A short film discussing the nature of the Trans Pacific Partnership Agreement and its impact on Te Tiriti o Waitangi, the treaty representing the bicultural relationship in Aotearoa New Zealand. Jane Kelsey, Hone Harawira, Marama Davidson and Margaret Mutu provide their insight on the matter and call on this generation to stand up for our rights.
For more on the threat of the Trans Pacific Partnership Agreement, see:
- Latin American Perspectives on the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) (a large collection of Spanish articles translated to English)
- Indigenous Peoples’ land and resource rights in Latin America
- The TPPA is a death sentence for Indigenous Rights
- TPP Threatens Indigenous Land Rights Says the UN
- TPP Is A Tool For US Hegemony In The Asia Pacific
- Asia Pacific peoples urge governments: Do not sign the TPPA!
- #Maori culture could be trademarked by TPP multinationals
- 400 Maui activists say no to the Trans Pacific Partnership