by Robert Doublin / Deep Green Resistance
In a Single Generation, Alaska’s Landscapes Have Transformed
Record Arctic Cyclone Leaves Ice Shaken and Stirred
“The fuse has been blown.”
Why Antarctica’s Melt is Important
“Utterly terrifying…I think we should be worried…” said one researcher involved with the study. “Things are happening. They are happening faster than we expected.”
Accelerating Sea Level Rise is Being Driven by Rapidly Increasing Melt From Greenland and Antarctica
“El Niño events also help transport heat from the ocean into the atmosphere, and tend to lead to some of the globe’s warmest years. The record warm years of 2015 and 2016 occurred during an intense El Niño event, for example.
“NOAA currently forecasts a 50% chance of El Niño developing during the fall, with those odds rising to 65% during the winter. While sea surface temperatures are close to average right now, heat is building up under the surface — a sign that an El Niño may be on its way.”
El Niño watch issued as signs point to a return of the climate cycle
Sea Ice: the Truth, the Bad, and the Ugly
Warned 30 years ago, global warming “is in our living room”
We are running out of time.