Brazil’s Carvalho To Lead Seabed-Mining Authority
Editor's note: Changing the face of a globalist, imperialist organization whose mandate is the equitable exploitation of "the common heritage of mankind" will not stop deep sea mining. We will need to stop the first attempt at enclosure and destruction of the sea...
New Discoveries About Human Origins
Editor's note: Humans have lived in balance with nature for millions of years. It was only in the last ten thousand years, with the advent of civilization, that humans have become unbalanced. If we continue on this course, we will reach our destination in less than a...
The World Is Farming More Seafood Than It Catches
Editor's note: The author asks if that is a good thing. The short answer is no. For the same reason, agriculture is bad for the land, aquaculture is bad for the ocean. It is because humans have overcaught wild fish and depleted their numbers that people have more and...
In Ukraine, Saving Wildlife Harmed by War
Editor's note: Mass media news about war raises concerns about death, injury, and refuge of humans, the war on nature is rarely highlighted. But warfare always means ecocide on a large scale and wildlife and nature often take more time to recover than it is capable...
France: Thousands Protest ‘Mega-basin’ Reservoir Expansion
By Gabriel Fonten / Freedom July 23 Struggle against hoarding of reservoir water by agro-industry sees five days of action, culminating in a 10,000-strong march on the commercial port of La Rochelle The French environmentalist movement Soulevements de la Terre...
Possible Futures: Interview With Indigenous Author Ailton Krenak
Editor's note: We can no longer continue to deny the evidence. We are living through the end stage of the Pyrocene. We have hit rock bottom and are seeking solutions from anywhere else but to slow down. Unfortunately, the necessary change will not come from us, rather...
These Books Are Based On A Faulty Premise
ELISABETH ROBSON JUL 03, 2024 How a lack of imagination perpetuates this ecocidal way of life I’ve recently read three books, all of which I’m glad I read, and all of which have the same fatal flaw: they are all constructed around a faulty premise. A Poison Like No...
Coastal Restoration: Saving Sand
Editor's note: It's a coast - not a beach, we forget that when our society talks about going to the beach. A beach is for basking in the sun, getting a drink, and dabbling in the water. But a coast is far more than an entertainment place for humans, it's a habitat for...
Shark Awareness Day: Protecting Our Ocean’s Guardians
Editor's note: Sharks are beautiful, intelligent creatures, but they have been overexploited for decades. Because of their "high market value" industrial fisheries hunt sharks for their fins and other body parts. But it's difficult to control the protection of the sea...
DGR is a Grassroots Movement
DGR is hard at work educating and training revolutionaries, providing legal support, coordinating public outreach, creating and sharing security protocols, and taking part in campaigns and direct action. If you can’t be on the front lines, please support the Resistance.