Right now, Deep Green Resistance organizers are at work building a political resistance resistance movement to defend the living planet and rebuild just, sustainable human communities.

In Manila, Kathmandu, Auckland, Denver, Paris—all over the world—we are building resistance and working towards revolution.

We Need Your Help

Not all of us can work from the front lines, but we can all contribute. Our radical, uncompromising stance comes at a price. Foundations and corporations won’t fund us because we are too radical. We operate on a shoestring budget (all our funding comes from small, grassroots donations averaging less than $50) and have only one paid staff.

Current funding levels aren’t sustainable for the long-term, even with our current level of operations. We need to expand our fundraising base significantly to build stronger resistance and grow our movement.

Sign Up to Become a Monthly Donor

Monthly donors are the backbone of our fundraising because they provide us with reliable, steady income. This allows us to plan ahead. Becoming a monthly donor, or increasing your contribution amount, is the single most important thing we can do to boost our financial base.

Monthly Donation Amount

“Any resistance movement needs two things: loyalty and material support.” — Lierre Keith

So what exactly does you money support? Here is a sampling of our current campaigns. We encourage you to contact us if you’re considering a donation and would like to discuss.

1. Chapters and Leadership Development

Expand and recruit for DGR chapters globally, and provide extensive training and leadership development for cadre in these chapters. Support chapters to engage in local campaigns. Our newest chapter is DGR South Asia. This chapter represent an exciting opportunity to grow our base outside the imperial core and confront colonialism directly; having funds for these operations would be invaluable.

2. Mutual Aid

Formation of permaculture teams dedicated to installing local and sustainable food production systems in vulnerable communities, and to providing education on the necessity of building alternatives and dismantling the industrial economy. Increasing our budget for supplies and education will greatly increase our impact for those who are struggling against the corrupt and exploitative corporate food system.

3. Direct Action

Continued expansion of our direct-action training curriculum to include more essential revolutionary skills. We would like to continue this development with a renewed focus on cultivating a core staff who are capable of deployment directly into various communities for disaster relief and campaign support. This is essential work that requires funding for travel and supplies.

4. Outreach

We are in the process of modernizing and expanding of our outreach platforms. This including redesigning our website for increased accessibility and clarity, expansion of the DGR News Service to daily original content, and ramping  up production of The Green Flame podcast. As we all know, web development and content production are expensive tasks; an increased funding base will allow us to bring the DGR message to a wider audience in ways we haven’t been able to before.

Not all of us can on the front lines. But we can all contribute. If we are going to ask people to take on substantial personal risk in pursuit of ecological justice, then we need to provide those revolutionaries with the training, legal, and financial resources they need. We need your help for this.

This is your opportunity to fund the resistance. Join those of us who cannot be on the front lines in supporting the struggle for life and justice. Your support makes our work possible.

Monthly Donation Amount

Make a One-Time Donation

If you can’t donate monthly, one-time donations are also extremely helpful. Click here to make a one-time donation.

 If you live in the U.S. and have received a stimulus check that you do not need, consider donating it.

If you don’t use PayPal, there are other options. Click here for more donation options, including donating by check or donating Bitcoin.

A huge thank you to everyone who contributes to this organization, whether with volunteer work or donations or in any other way.

“Revolution is the sound of your heart still beating. And as long as it is, you have work to do. Do it. Without apology. Do it. Bravely and nobly. Do it. Exist, insist and by all means, resist.”

— Dominique Christina