Global Warming Roundup: Record Arctic Cyclone Leaves Ice Shaken and Stirred

Global Warming Roundup: Record Arctic Cyclone Leaves Ice Shaken and Stirred

     by Robert Doublin / Deep Green Resistance

Atmospheric greenhouse gases continue inexorable rise – 2017 was sixth consecutive year CO2 rose by 2 ppm or more

In a Single Generation, Alaska’s Landscapes Have Transformed

Record Arctic Cyclone Leaves Ice Shaken and Stirred

“The fuse has been blown.”

Why Antarctica’s Melt is Important

“Utterly terrifying…I think we should be worried…” said one researcher involved with the study. “Things are happening. They are happening faster than we expected.”

‘Utterly Terrifying’: Study Affirms Feedback Loop Fears as Surging Antarctica Ice Loss Tripled in Last Five Years

Accelerating Sea Level Rise is Being Driven by Rapidly Increasing Melt From Greenland and Antarctica

“El Niño events also help transport heat from the ocean into the atmosphere, and tend to lead to some of the globe’s warmest years. The record warm years of 2015 and 2016 occurred during an intense El Niño event, for example.

“NOAA currently forecasts a 50% chance of El Niño developing during the fall, with those odds rising to 65% during the winter. While sea surface temperatures are close to average right now, heat is building up under the surface — a sign that an El Niño may be on its way.”

El Niño watch issued as signs point to a return of the climate cycle

Sea Ice: the Truth, the Bad, and the Ugly

Warned 30 years ago, global warming “is in our living room”

We are running out of time.

Global Warming Roundup: Weather Whiplash

Global Warming Roundup: Weather Whiplash

     by Robert Doublin / Deep Green Resistance

For the first time in the history of the human species AND our genus Homo, we have at least two months averaging over 410 ppmv CO2. Within two years, three at the most, the average for the entire year will be over 410. Then 415. Then 420. We need to stop this now to prevent hell on Earth.

Another Climate Milestone Falls at Mauna Loa Observatory 

Weather Whiplash. The new abnormal: Weather Whiplash: After Cold Spring, Tropical Cyclone Targets Midwest

What is happening to life in the Arctic as the sea ice melts away: There’s Way Too Little Ice Around Svalbard Right Now and  What Melting Ice Means for Arctic Night

Excellent article on how disastrous for ocean life coral bleaching is: Chasing Coral Shows The Tangible, Devastating Effects Of Our Warming Planet

Frankly, all the evidence needed to prove our case that industrial civilization needs to be brought down. We are suffocating and poisoning both ourselves and (just as importantly) the rest of life on this planet: Analysis: How much ‘carbon budget’ is left to limit global warming to 1.5C?

Excellent video clearly refuting several myths about the current Global Warming crisis spewed by the Deniers. Good lesson in developing critical thinking skills: Top 10 Climate Change Myths

Rarely does another El Nino develop so soon after the last one. Does not help we had a weak La Nina that rapidly petered out.

Warm water creeps into otherwise-calm Central Pacific

While the Lower 48 is only about 5-6% of the Earth’s surface, it’s the weather whiplash that is amazing. Other areas had warmer than average temperatures this May.

Global Warming Roundup: 410 ppmv

Featured image: Ice melt in a Greenland fjord: A little heat makes a big difference. Image: By Hannes Grobe, via Wikimedia Commons

     by Robert Doublin / Deep Green Resistance

Looks like April will be the first month on record averaging 410 parts per million volume (ppmv) of carbon dioxide or above in the atmosphere. We have maybe 4-6 weeks before the yearly plant growth cycle in the Northern Hemisphere pulls the concentration down a few points. We have maybe a year or two before the increases due to fossil fuel use, et al, keeps the average above 410 all year round.

Why are So Many Powerful Nor’Easters Striking New England?

Climate Change Forces the Quinault Tribe to Seek Higher Ground

February 2018 Global Temperature Update

“How much and how soon and under how much warming pressure is still a matter of some debate in the sciences. But the situation is now looking a bit worse for the Totten Glacier — an enormous sea-fronting slab of ice as big as France that if it melted in total would, by itself, raise sea levels by about 10-13 feet globally.”

The 2018 melting season has started

This Is Not Cool

Arctic ice depends on half a degree of heat

Global Warming Roundup: Worse Than It Seems

Global Warming Roundup: Worse Than It Seems

     by Anonymous

It is without reasonable doubt that Anthropogenic Global Warming has firmly taken hold to such an extent that I honestly can’t decide what is scarier: that we are still only in the beginning stages of it (sort of you-ain’t-seen-nothin’-yet on steroids) or we have already crossed over into the middle stages of it. Neither are the slightest bit comforting.

Normalizing Extinction

Delving Further into Uncharted Territory: Arctic Sea Ice Greatly Weakened at Start of Spring 2018
Global sea ice records broken (yet again)

Talk about unprecedented

Current deforestation pace will intensify global warming, study alerts

Earth Observatory: Low Sea Ice Amid Arctic Warming

Climate Denial Crock of the Week: Graph of the Day: 2018 Sea Ice Max

Weather will be the wild card during the upcoming melt season. We have recently seen three different ways melting can be set up. Will one of them come back or will a fourth way manifest? 2018 now has the lowest wintertime Arctic sea ice max on record.

A good example of the silly bs any climate realist has to wade through in getting this crisis taken seriously: The “Now they Call it Climate Change” Crock. Again.

One of the best videos ever made (and short 10 minutes) discussing a common ploy not just by climate change deniers but conspiracy theorists in general. They count on their readers not taking the time to check even a few of the list of articles or experts they claim in huge dramatic headlines agree with them. Notice how in this example just reading the FIRST PARAGRAPH shows the article cited claims the opposite of what the propagandist BREATHLESSLY trumpets.

Steel Production in Perspective: A Global Warming Analysis

By Max Wilbert / Deep Green Resistance Great Basin

While global warming is a topic of conversation and news coverage every day around the world,‭ ‬the basic raw materials that drive the global economy are rarely discussed as being involved.‭ ‬But these materials play a key role in global environmental issues.

Where do plastics come from‭? ‬How is paint made‭? ‬How do simple electronics,‭ ‬like land line telephones,‭ ‬come to be‭? ‬How does the electric grid itself come to be‭? ‬And in a world that is being wracked by warming,‭ ‬how do these basic industrial technologies impact the climate‭?

This will be the first article in a series exploring these questions and more.‭ ‬This inaugural piece will focus on steel:‭ ‬a material so ubiquitous it is nearly invisible,‭ ‬a material that was the foundation of the industrial revolution,‭ ‬a material that even today is used a measure for the health of the global economy.

The foundation of an economy

Steel,‭ ‬alongside oil,‭ ‬is the basic raw material of the global industrial economy.‭ ‬The material is widely used in construction and almost all other industries.‭ ‬The amount of steel being consumed per capita is often used as a measure of economic progress:‭ ‬financial firms like the World Bank consider‭ ‬700‭ ‬pounds of steel consumption per person per year a basic measure of the economic development of a nation.

More than‭ ‬1.3‭ ‬billion tons of steel‭ ‬is produced every year.

What is steel made of‭?

Steel is an alloy composed mainly of iron mixed with smaller portions other material,‭ ‬most often carbon,‭ ‬but sometimes manganese,‭ ‬chromium,‭ ‬vanadium,‭ ‬or tungsten.‭ ‬These other substances act as hardening agents to strengthen the steel.

The first step in our journey along the path of steel production is the extraction of the basic materials.‭ ‬The largest iron ore mine in the world is the Carajás Mine in Northern Brazil.‭ ‬The facility produces more than‭ ‬90‭ ‬million tons of iron ore‭ ‬every‭ ‬year.‭ ‬The ore is transported nearly‭ ‬900km‭ ‬(in the largest train in the world‭)‬ along a single train track to the port city of Sao Luis.‭

The train line,‭ ‬called EFC,‭ ‬was shut down in October of‭ ‬2012‭ ‬by indigenous inhabitants of the region protesting a planned expansion of the mine.

The environmental impacts of the mine are‭ ‬numerous.‭ ‬Firstly,‭ ‬to reach the ore,‭ ‬the rainforest must be cleared.‭ ‬More than‭ ‬6,000‭ ‬square kilometers of forest around the Carajas mine are clearcut every year for charcoal alone.‭ ‬More forest is removed for direct mining operations.‭ ‬Mercury is used‭ ‬in the mining process,‭ ‬and‭ ‬contaminates‭ ‬90‭ ‬percent of fish downstream of the mine.

In addition to the environmental impacts,‭ ‬iron ore mining in the Amazon has displaced tens of thousands of indigenous people,‭ ‬decimated newly-contacted tribes through the spread of infectious diseases,‭ ‬and flooded remote areas with thousands of workers,‭ ‬networks of roads,‭ ‬and all the associated impacts.

Poverty,‭ ‬social conflict,‭ ‬and environmental devastation have been the wages of mining.‭ ‬As the World Wildlife Federation has noted,‭ “‬Mining is one of the dirtiest industrial activities on the planet,‭ ‬in terms of both its immediate environmental impacts and its CO2‭ ‬emissions.‭”

Smelting and steel production

Once the raw materials for steel production are gathered,‭ ‬they must be combined.‭ ‬The first step is the smelting of iron ore in a blast furnace.‭ ‬The heat to melt iron ore usually comes from burning natural gas,‭ ‬coal or,‭ ‬more often coke.

‭“‬Coke is the most important raw material fed into the blast furnace in terms of its effect on blast furnace operation and hot metal quality,‭” ‬writes Hardarshan S.‭ ‬Valia,‭ ‬a scientist at Inland Steel‭ (‬now ArcelorMittal‭)‬.

Coking coal is a fuel and heat source that is essential to the production of steel.‭ ‬Coke,‭ ‬also known as metallurgical coal,‭ ‬is produced by baking coal in an airtight furnace at‭ ‬2,000-3,000‭ ‬°F.‭ ‬Generally,‭ ‬two tons of coal are baked to create one ton of coke.‭ ‬The process of creating coke toxifies large amounts of water,‭ ‬releases copious greenhouse gases and other toxic fumes,‭ ‬and requires large amounts of electricity.

‭“‬Air emissions such as coke oven gas,‭ ‬naphthalene,‭ ‬ammonium compounds,‭ ‬crude light oil,‭ ‬sulfur and coke dust are released from coke ovens,‭” ‬notes the Illinois Sustainable Technology Center,‭ “[‬and‭] ‬quenching water becomes contaminated with coke breezes and other compounds.‭”

At this stage of the process,‭ ‬ground up limestone‭ ‬or‭ ‬other carbon-rich rock is added to the molten iron ore to balance the acidity of coke and coal.‭ ‬This is called reduction.‭ ‬While a small portion of the carbon content of the limestone and coal or coke is adsorbed into the molten metal and adds strength to the steel,‭ ‬the bulk of this carbon is released to the atmosphere as CO2.

At current rates,‭ ‬around‭ ‬1.9‭ ‬metric tons of CO2‭ ‬are released for every metric ton of steel production.‭ ‬Overall,‭ ‬the International Energy Agency estimates that‭ ‬4-5%‭ ‬of global CO2‭ ‬emissions come from the iron and steel industry.

Once the smelting process in the blast furnace is complete,‭ ‬the result is an intermediate stage in steel production called pig iron.‭ ‬This molten pig iron is now prepared for the next step,‭ ‬which involves processing in a basic oxygen furnace.

In the basic oxygen furnace,‭ ‬molten pig iron is poured into a large ladle and scraps of recycled steel are added.‭ ‬Impurities of silicon,‭ ‬phosphorous,‭ ‬and sulfur are removed by means of a chemical reaction,‭ ‬and high purities of oxygen are blown into the vessel at velocities greater than the speed of sound.‭ ‬This superheats the mixture and‭ ‬removes further impurities.‭ ‬The molten metal is now steel.

The basic oxygen furnace is only the most common method of steel production,‭ ‬used for‭ ‬60%‭ ‬of global production with the process described above.‭ ‬This is called‭ “‬primary steel production‭”‬.‭ ‬Secondary steel,‭ ‬which requires less energy input but is a lower quality product,‭ ‬is made entirely from scrap steel using an electric arc furnace.‭ ‬Steel production from‭ ‬recycled‭ ‬scrap accounts for nearly half of all steel production in developed countries.

What is steel used for‭?

As noted above,‭ ‬steel is critical to the global economy.‭ ‬It is considered one of the basic raw materials for industrial development,‭ ‬and is used for the production of cranes,‭ ‬ships,‭ ‬trucks,‭ ‬trailers,‭ ‬cars,‭ ‬jacking platforms,‭ ‬underwater cables,‭ ‬electrical transmission towers and lines,‭ ‬rail cars,‭ ‬girders for buildings and bridges,‭ ‬home appliances,‭ ‬pots and pans,‭ ‬bicycles,‭ ‬guard rails,‭ ‬scaffolding‭ ‬-‭ ‬the list goes on‭ ‬endlessly.

While the role of steel and other polluting substances in many of these products and industries has been examined thoroughly,‭ ‬the same rigor has generally not been applied to alternative energy technologies.‭ ‬Wind turbines,‭ ‬for example,‭ ‬use a great deal of steel.‭ ‬As has been noted by the World Steel Association,‭ ‬the global trade group for the industry:‭ “‬every part of a wind turbine depends on iron and steel.‭”

Can steel be sustainable‭?

One of the most common wind turbines in the world today is a‭ ‬1.5‭ ‬megawatt design produced by General Electric.‭ ‬The nacelle‭ ‬-‭ ‬the portion of the turbine on top of the tower‭ ‬-‭ ‬weighs‭ ‬56‭ ‬tons,‭ ‬while the tower weighs in at‭ ‬71‭ ‬tons and the blades at‭ ‬36‭ ‬tons.‭ ‬A single turbine,‭ ‬at over‭ ‬60‭ ‬percent steel,‭ ‬requires over‭ ‬100‭ ‬tons of the material.‭

This‭ ‬1.5‭ ‬megawatt model is a smaller design by modern standards‭ ‬-‭ ‬the latest industrial turbines can require more than twice as much steel.

The production and installation of wind turbines also requires large amounts of concrete‭ (‬more than‭ ‬1,000‭ ‬tons for a standard wind turbine anchor platform‭) ‬and other materials such as copper,‭ ‬which is used for electrical cables and makes up some‭ ‬35%‭ ‬of the generator.‭ ‬About half of all copper mined worldwide is used for electrical wires and transmission‭ ‬cables.‭

Copper‭ ‬production is a large source of pollution and waste,‭ ‬starting with the exploration and development process,‭ ‬where roads and facilities are built,‭ ‬and ending with the toxic byproducts of copper refining.‭

Impacts of copper mining mirror steel production,‭ ‬and include land clearance,‭ ‬soil removal,‭ ‬erosion of soil and mine waste,‭ ‬toxic tailings,‭ ‬acid mine drainage,‭ ‬contaminant leaching,‭ ‬water extraction and contamination,‭ ‬the release of dust and particulate matter,‭ ‬air pollution from vehicles and machinery,‭ ‬mercury and other heavy metal contamination,‭ ‬habitat loss and fragmentation,‭ ‬soil and groundwater contamination,‭ ‬and greenhouse gas emissions.

The Bingham Canyon Copper Mine near Salt Lake City,‭ ‬Utah,‭ ‬is the largest man-made excavation in the world,‭ ‬and a good example of the toxic nature of extraction and refining‭ – ‬the Salt Lake Valley periodically registers the worst air quality in the United States.‭ ‬The mine is visible from space with the naked eye.

Global Trade

Beyond the direct impacts of‭ ‬steel production,‭ ‬the process of creating wind turbines must be assessed in context‭; ‬in this case,‭ ‬the context of global trade.‭ ‬Creating a wind turbine is a worldwide manufacturing operation,‭ ‬explains Brian Doughty of Puget Sound Energy,‭ ‬who manages a wind power installation in eastern Washington state.

‭“‬For this particular project,‭” ‬Doughty notes,‭ “‬these tower sections came from Vietnam,‭ ‬the nacelles and blades came from Denmark,‭ ‬everything was brought into the port of Vancouver WA,‭ ‬and brought up here‭ [‬to eastern Washington‭] ‬by truck.‭”

This global arrangement of shipping and transportation tangles‭ ‬wind turbines further in a vast,‭ ‬deadly‭ ‬net of fossil fuels,‭ ‬pollution,‭ ‬devastated ecosystems,‭ ‬“free trade‭” ‬agreements,‭ ‬and decimated communities.

Steel:‭ ‬the past,‭ ‬not the future‭?

The World Steel Association and other global entities are convinced that steel is a key material for the future of‭ ‬civilization.‭ ‬But as should be clear from the information presented above,‭ ‬steel is an industrial material for an industrial world‭ – ‬dirty,‭ ‬polluting,‭ ‬energy intensive.

There are‭ ‬many‭ ‬options for‭ ‬the human species moving forward.‭ ‬Steel lies along the industrial path that we have trodden before,‭ ‬dirty and littered with the bodies of the collaterally damaged.‭ ‬Which path is taken remains to be seen,‭ ‬but one thing is sure:‭ ‬before we can make the right decisions,‭ ‬we must have the facts.‭ ‬And with steel,‭ ‬the facts are grim.
