Dark Oxygen Discovered In the Deep Sea
Editor's note: Although Greenpeace has done many good things in the past, particularly their work that led to an international ban on whale hunting, it is astounding that they currently support offshore wind. Nick Young 26 July 2024 / Greenpeace Scientists...
Brazil’s Carvalho To Lead Seabed-Mining Authority
Editor's note: Changing the face of a globalist, imperialist organization whose mandate is the equitable exploitation of "the common heritage of mankind" will not stop deep sea mining. We will need to stop the first attempt at enclosure and destruction of the sea...
New Discoveries About Human Origins
Editor's note: Humans have lived in balance with nature for millions of years. It was only in the last ten thousand years, with the advent of civilization, that humans have become unbalanced. If we continue on this course, we will reach our destination in less than a...
How to Decolonize Our Battle Against Climate Change
Editor's note: Climate change is a symptom predicament of overshoot and is exploited by power elites to deflect from what is necessary, ending modern civilization. The slow death of nature started with civilization, it has exponentially sped up since the 1700s. The...
Combatting Violence Against Nicaragua’s Indigenous Communities
By Max Radwin 29 JUL 2024 / Mongabay Indigenous communities on Nicaragua’s northern Caribbean coast continue to suffer threats, kidnappings, torture and unlawful arrests while defending communal territory from illegal settlements and mining. Residents say they’re...
Building Environmental Activism In the Next Generation
Editor's note: Environmental activism will only play a role in the lives of young people if adults are great role models and walk the talk. As custodians, we need to take the young out into nature to help them gain an appreciation for wilderness. So that they will...
7 Steps to What a Real Renewable Energy Transition Looks Like
Editor's note: We know what needs to be done but will it be done? No, the system will not allow it so the system must go. The sooner the better. Join a social movement advocating for a real energy transition, one that strives to guarantee that civilization will not...
What’s the Point?
Editor's note: Just substitute the word civilization for the word modernity. By Tom Murphy - using physics and estimation to assess energy, growth, options / Do the Math Having developed a perspective that modernity is fated to fail, and that many of our culture’s...
These Books Are Based On A Faulty Premise
ELISABETH ROBSON JUL 03, 2024 How a lack of imagination perpetuates this ecocidal way of life I’ve recently read three books, all of which I’m glad I read, and all of which have the same fatal flaw: they are all constructed around a faulty premise. A Poison Like No...
DGR is a Grassroots Movement
DGR is hard at work educating and training revolutionaries, providing legal support, coordinating public outreach, creating and sharing security protocols, and taking part in campaigns and direct action. If you can’t be on the front lines, please support the Resistance.