Steel Production in Perspective: A Global Warming Analysis

By Max Wilbert / Deep Green Resistance Great Basin

While global warming is a topic of conversation and news coverage every day around the world,‭ ‬the basic raw materials that drive the global economy are rarely discussed as being involved.‭ ‬But these materials play a key role in global environmental issues.

Where do plastics come from‭? ‬How is paint made‭? ‬How do simple electronics,‭ ‬like land line telephones,‭ ‬come to be‭? ‬How does the electric grid itself come to be‭? ‬And in a world that is being wracked by warming,‭ ‬how do these basic industrial technologies impact the climate‭?

This will be the first article in a series exploring these questions and more.‭ ‬This inaugural piece will focus on steel:‭ ‬a material so ubiquitous it is nearly invisible,‭ ‬a material that was the foundation of the industrial revolution,‭ ‬a material that even today is used a measure for the health of the global economy.

The foundation of an economy

Steel,‭ ‬alongside oil,‭ ‬is the basic raw material of the global industrial economy.‭ ‬The material is widely used in construction and almost all other industries.‭ ‬The amount of steel being consumed per capita is often used as a measure of economic progress:‭ ‬financial firms like the World Bank consider‭ ‬700‭ ‬pounds of steel consumption per person per year a basic measure of the economic development of a nation.

More than‭ ‬1.3‭ ‬billion tons of steel‭ ‬is produced every year.

What is steel made of‭?

Steel is an alloy composed mainly of iron mixed with smaller portions other material,‭ ‬most often carbon,‭ ‬but sometimes manganese,‭ ‬chromium,‭ ‬vanadium,‭ ‬or tungsten.‭ ‬These other substances act as hardening agents to strengthen the steel.

The first step in our journey along the path of steel production is the extraction of the basic materials.‭ ‬The largest iron ore mine in the world is the Carajás Mine in Northern Brazil.‭ ‬The facility produces more than‭ ‬90‭ ‬million tons of iron ore‭ ‬every‭ ‬year.‭ ‬The ore is transported nearly‭ ‬900km‭ ‬(in the largest train in the world‭)‬ along a single train track to the port city of Sao Luis.‭

The train line,‭ ‬called EFC,‭ ‬was shut down in October of‭ ‬2012‭ ‬by indigenous inhabitants of the region protesting a planned expansion of the mine.

The environmental impacts of the mine are‭ ‬numerous.‭ ‬Firstly,‭ ‬to reach the ore,‭ ‬the rainforest must be cleared.‭ ‬More than‭ ‬6,000‭ ‬square kilometers of forest around the Carajas mine are clearcut every year for charcoal alone.‭ ‬More forest is removed for direct mining operations.‭ ‬Mercury is used‭ ‬in the mining process,‭ ‬and‭ ‬contaminates‭ ‬90‭ ‬percent of fish downstream of the mine.

In addition to the environmental impacts,‭ ‬iron ore mining in the Amazon has displaced tens of thousands of indigenous people,‭ ‬decimated newly-contacted tribes through the spread of infectious diseases,‭ ‬and flooded remote areas with thousands of workers,‭ ‬networks of roads,‭ ‬and all the associated impacts.

Poverty,‭ ‬social conflict,‭ ‬and environmental devastation have been the wages of mining.‭ ‬As the World Wildlife Federation has noted,‭ “‬Mining is one of the dirtiest industrial activities on the planet,‭ ‬in terms of both its immediate environmental impacts and its CO2‭ ‬emissions.‭”

Smelting and steel production

Once the raw materials for steel production are gathered,‭ ‬they must be combined.‭ ‬The first step is the smelting of iron ore in a blast furnace.‭ ‬The heat to melt iron ore usually comes from burning natural gas,‭ ‬coal or,‭ ‬more often coke.

‭“‬Coke is the most important raw material fed into the blast furnace in terms of its effect on blast furnace operation and hot metal quality,‭” ‬writes Hardarshan S.‭ ‬Valia,‭ ‬a scientist at Inland Steel‭ (‬now ArcelorMittal‭)‬.

Coking coal is a fuel and heat source that is essential to the production of steel.‭ ‬Coke,‭ ‬also known as metallurgical coal,‭ ‬is produced by baking coal in an airtight furnace at‭ ‬2,000-3,000‭ ‬°F.‭ ‬Generally,‭ ‬two tons of coal are baked to create one ton of coke.‭ ‬The process of creating coke toxifies large amounts of water,‭ ‬releases copious greenhouse gases and other toxic fumes,‭ ‬and requires large amounts of electricity.

‭“‬Air emissions such as coke oven gas,‭ ‬naphthalene,‭ ‬ammonium compounds,‭ ‬crude light oil,‭ ‬sulfur and coke dust are released from coke ovens,‭” ‬notes the Illinois Sustainable Technology Center,‭ “[‬and‭] ‬quenching water becomes contaminated with coke breezes and other compounds.‭”

At this stage of the process,‭ ‬ground up limestone‭ ‬or‭ ‬other carbon-rich rock is added to the molten iron ore to balance the acidity of coke and coal.‭ ‬This is called reduction.‭ ‬While a small portion of the carbon content of the limestone and coal or coke is adsorbed into the molten metal and adds strength to the steel,‭ ‬the bulk of this carbon is released to the atmosphere as CO2.

At current rates,‭ ‬around‭ ‬1.9‭ ‬metric tons of CO2‭ ‬are released for every metric ton of steel production.‭ ‬Overall,‭ ‬the International Energy Agency estimates that‭ ‬4-5%‭ ‬of global CO2‭ ‬emissions come from the iron and steel industry.

Once the smelting process in the blast furnace is complete,‭ ‬the result is an intermediate stage in steel production called pig iron.‭ ‬This molten pig iron is now prepared for the next step,‭ ‬which involves processing in a basic oxygen furnace.

In the basic oxygen furnace,‭ ‬molten pig iron is poured into a large ladle and scraps of recycled steel are added.‭ ‬Impurities of silicon,‭ ‬phosphorous,‭ ‬and sulfur are removed by means of a chemical reaction,‭ ‬and high purities of oxygen are blown into the vessel at velocities greater than the speed of sound.‭ ‬This superheats the mixture and‭ ‬removes further impurities.‭ ‬The molten metal is now steel.

The basic oxygen furnace is only the most common method of steel production,‭ ‬used for‭ ‬60%‭ ‬of global production with the process described above.‭ ‬This is called‭ “‬primary steel production‭”‬.‭ ‬Secondary steel,‭ ‬which requires less energy input but is a lower quality product,‭ ‬is made entirely from scrap steel using an electric arc furnace.‭ ‬Steel production from‭ ‬recycled‭ ‬scrap accounts for nearly half of all steel production in developed countries.

What is steel used for‭?

As noted above,‭ ‬steel is critical to the global economy.‭ ‬It is considered one of the basic raw materials for industrial development,‭ ‬and is used for the production of cranes,‭ ‬ships,‭ ‬trucks,‭ ‬trailers,‭ ‬cars,‭ ‬jacking platforms,‭ ‬underwater cables,‭ ‬electrical transmission towers and lines,‭ ‬rail cars,‭ ‬girders for buildings and bridges,‭ ‬home appliances,‭ ‬pots and pans,‭ ‬bicycles,‭ ‬guard rails,‭ ‬scaffolding‭ ‬-‭ ‬the list goes on‭ ‬endlessly.

While the role of steel and other polluting substances in many of these products and industries has been examined thoroughly,‭ ‬the same rigor has generally not been applied to alternative energy technologies.‭ ‬Wind turbines,‭ ‬for example,‭ ‬use a great deal of steel.‭ ‬As has been noted by the World Steel Association,‭ ‬the global trade group for the industry:‭ “‬every part of a wind turbine depends on iron and steel.‭”

Can steel be sustainable‭?

One of the most common wind turbines in the world today is a‭ ‬1.5‭ ‬megawatt design produced by General Electric.‭ ‬The nacelle‭ ‬-‭ ‬the portion of the turbine on top of the tower‭ ‬-‭ ‬weighs‭ ‬56‭ ‬tons,‭ ‬while the tower weighs in at‭ ‬71‭ ‬tons and the blades at‭ ‬36‭ ‬tons.‭ ‬A single turbine,‭ ‬at over‭ ‬60‭ ‬percent steel,‭ ‬requires over‭ ‬100‭ ‬tons of the material.‭

This‭ ‬1.5‭ ‬megawatt model is a smaller design by modern standards‭ ‬-‭ ‬the latest industrial turbines can require more than twice as much steel.

The production and installation of wind turbines also requires large amounts of concrete‭ (‬more than‭ ‬1,000‭ ‬tons for a standard wind turbine anchor platform‭) ‬and other materials such as copper,‭ ‬which is used for electrical cables and makes up some‭ ‬35%‭ ‬of the generator.‭ ‬About half of all copper mined worldwide is used for electrical wires and transmission‭ ‬cables.‭

Copper‭ ‬production is a large source of pollution and waste,‭ ‬starting with the exploration and development process,‭ ‬where roads and facilities are built,‭ ‬and ending with the toxic byproducts of copper refining.‭

Impacts of copper mining mirror steel production,‭ ‬and include land clearance,‭ ‬soil removal,‭ ‬erosion of soil and mine waste,‭ ‬toxic tailings,‭ ‬acid mine drainage,‭ ‬contaminant leaching,‭ ‬water extraction and contamination,‭ ‬the release of dust and particulate matter,‭ ‬air pollution from vehicles and machinery,‭ ‬mercury and other heavy metal contamination,‭ ‬habitat loss and fragmentation,‭ ‬soil and groundwater contamination,‭ ‬and greenhouse gas emissions.

The Bingham Canyon Copper Mine near Salt Lake City,‭ ‬Utah,‭ ‬is the largest man-made excavation in the world,‭ ‬and a good example of the toxic nature of extraction and refining‭ – ‬the Salt Lake Valley periodically registers the worst air quality in the United States.‭ ‬The mine is visible from space with the naked eye.

Global Trade

Beyond the direct impacts of‭ ‬steel production,‭ ‬the process of creating wind turbines must be assessed in context‭; ‬in this case,‭ ‬the context of global trade.‭ ‬Creating a wind turbine is a worldwide manufacturing operation,‭ ‬explains Brian Doughty of Puget Sound Energy,‭ ‬who manages a wind power installation in eastern Washington state.

‭“‬For this particular project,‭” ‬Doughty notes,‭ “‬these tower sections came from Vietnam,‭ ‬the nacelles and blades came from Denmark,‭ ‬everything was brought into the port of Vancouver WA,‭ ‬and brought up here‭ [‬to eastern Washington‭] ‬by truck.‭”

This global arrangement of shipping and transportation tangles‭ ‬wind turbines further in a vast,‭ ‬deadly‭ ‬net of fossil fuels,‭ ‬pollution,‭ ‬devastated ecosystems,‭ ‬“free trade‭” ‬agreements,‭ ‬and decimated communities.

Steel:‭ ‬the past,‭ ‬not the future‭?

The World Steel Association and other global entities are convinced that steel is a key material for the future of‭ ‬civilization.‭ ‬But as should be clear from the information presented above,‭ ‬steel is an industrial material for an industrial world‭ – ‬dirty,‭ ‬polluting,‭ ‬energy intensive.

There are‭ ‬many‭ ‬options for‭ ‬the human species moving forward.‭ ‬Steel lies along the industrial path that we have trodden before,‭ ‬dirty and littered with the bodies of the collaterally damaged.‭ ‬Which path is taken remains to be seen,‭ ‬but one thing is sure:‭ ‬before we can make the right decisions,‭ ‬we must have the facts.‭ ‬And with steel,‭ ‬the facts are grim.


3/30 Memphis Anti-Klan Demonstration: Protesting in a Police State

3/30 Memphis Anti-Klan Demonstration: Protesting in a Police State

By Lorenzo Kom’boa Ervin / Memphis Black Autonomy Federation

To grasp what happened at the March 30, 2013 Klan demonstration, you need to understand what led up to everything. The Klan said it came to Memphis to protest the renaming of the racist Memphis Confederate Parks system. Of course, all police preparations and media reporting claimed that the cops “had” to create a downtown police security zone of 10-12 square blocks to “keep the peace”, and not repeat the so-called anti-Klan “riot” of 1998, which was blamed on protesters then, but actually was a police riot as a result of an order by then-Mayor Willie Herenton to gas and beat protesters because they were approaching the Klan through breaks in the police line.

So, using that mantra of “preventing a riot”, and also the media propaganda that this was a “new” Klan group, in response to critics who asked why the Klan was being allowed to protest at all, they put together a police army of 600 cops, 4 military armored cars with machine guns, a chain link fence to separate protesters from Klan, and confined the residents of Memphis behind a line of paramilitary riot police to “protect” the Klan from the people. Of course, the obvious reflection was that this happened over 15 years ago and that the anti-Klan protest movement was “new” as well, did not penetrate the prevailing myth circulated by the cops and the lapdog media.

Our movement, the Memphis Black Autonomy Federation, had created a broad-based group called the Ida B. Wells Coalition Against Racism and Police Brutality to bring out Memphis residents, but also anti-fascist activists from throughout the Southern and Midwestern regions. We tried at first to have a meeting at city hall, but this was refused by a groups of businessmen, then the city permit office refused a permit for the same area as the Klan, which was at the courthouse itself, just a few hours before. Then, the cops wanted to not allow any more than 100 people from the community come to the event, but we fought that, and they apparently allowed everyone to go in, including white supremacist supporters and anti-Klan activists. This latter decision was a recipe for disaster, we felt, and we did not initially feel that it would be safe to go inside. If someone got to fighting a Klan supporter, they could be shot and we all would have been in danger. We decided to press on anyway.

If we had not applied for the city parade permit, no one would have been allowed to protest at all, and we would not have even known of their security plans at all. Only because we kept prodding the city to back off on at least some of its security precautions, did they agree to allow the protest. They then issued the permit at the last minute, and the lapdog media dutifully reported it, including the city’s denial that it had ever denied our permits. This little media report would prove to be the undoing of the city’s plans for total denial of the event, and its plans of discouraging any protest through media saturation by the Mayor and government officials who time and again tried to frighten, scold, and intimidate people from coming down to an anti-Klan event. Just the fact that people knew that there was going to be a protest made them come down to the event, even if they were totally unfamiliar with our movement.

The day before the event we were concerned about being pushed into a “protest pit” as was done at many other events in other cities and was used to crush the anti-globalization movement, and because the original plan called for us all to be shoved into a small space on the side of the courthouse itself, we decided that it would be a threat to our security to go in that space, and we called for an activist General Assembly at a nearby park, which was outside the police protest zone, to discuss options. So about 150 of us met at Court Square park, and talked about going to the Forrest Park and attacking the statute itself, but then the cops came up and told us that we “had” to go to the “security zone”, and we feigned going there, but in fact we had prepared a number of signs saying “Cops Stifle Free Speech!” and about 150 of us marched down to police lines and protested the police state methods of controlling the protest.

The cops were perplexed, and a small number of them tried to chase us around or steer us into the barbed wire area, but we refused to go. It was a standoff, but they did not arrest anybody or beat us up. It was clear that they did not want to break their ranks to try to arrest all of us, so we took advantage of the moment and kept protesting. Then we moved towards the park, but there was a split between those who wanted to go inside the police lines, and those who did not. The group started splintering. After much soul searching, we decided we would go inside. So we headed for the entrance, and many followed us. The cops had everybody head through TSA style metal detectors, empty our pockets, and searched us. They seized all papers, pamphlets, protest signs, and denied you entry if you were wearing “radical” t-shirts of Che Guevara or Huey Newton, but also Jefferson Davis or N.B. Forrest attire. They seized our bullhorns, but returned one of them as we were entering the event.

When we got inside, everyone seemed subdued, and there was no chanting or screaming, everyone was just looking for signs of the Klan to show. The Klan was kept 2-3 football fields away from us, who were behind barbed wire. There was a long line of riot police inside arrayed as a gauntlet we had to pass, then there were police snipers on the roof, and a line of police standing across from us, about five deep and then others on horseback. They never moved for five hours, just stared ahead at us in military formation.

What made us feel good about going inside is that there was in fact a large number of people already inside waiting on us. They kept streaming in. These were not the usual white middle class activists or the old civil rights deadheads, these were working class Black people of every age. They were angry as hell because the Mayor had brought these “Ku Klux Kowards” to town, and had put us behind barbed wire and coddled the Klan. The Klan came on special city buses, only about 60 of them, which contained riot police and a special security wing of Memphis police and Shelby County Sheriffs.

Over a Thousand Protestors Face Militarized Police Forces at Anti-Klan Rally in Memphis

By J. G. / Deep Green Resistance Great Plains

On March 30th, sixty-five Ku Klux Klan members gathered at the steps of the Shelby County Court House and marched in response to the recent name changes of three previously confederate parks in Memphis. One of these parks, formerly known as Bedford Forest Park, was renamed Health and Science Park. Nathan Forest was the first grand wizard of the Klan and was responsible for massacring over three hundred black people during the Civil War.

Twelve hundred people turned out to the counter protest demonstration against the Klan despite the alternative event across town put on and promoted by Mayor A. C. Wharton Jr. and city officials with live music and Easter festivities in efforts to discourage people from going to the rally site. The majority of those in attendance were residents of Memphis, however many organizations came from outside of Memphis including Florida Anti-Fascists, KC IWW from St. Louis, IWW, Deep Green Resistance, Black Autonomy Federation from Memphis, Concerned Citizens for Justice Team from Chattanooga, TN., Chattanoogans Organized for Action, Black Bloc Chicago, Anti Racist Action, Memphis Black gang members rep, Let’s Organize the Hood, and Direct Action Memphis.

Many of those who gathered marched down the streets, but were latter funneled into “Free Speech” zones where they could not see or get near the Klan. Hundreds of police in militarized gear lined the streets of downtown Memphis and lined the fences of the gated designated protest area. Lorenzo Ervin, a founding member of the Black Autonomy Federation and a main organizer of the counter protest wrote in a note entitled “Memphis Anti-Klan Demonstration: Protesting in a Police State“: “…in response to critics who asked why the Klan was being allowed to protest at all, they put together a police army of 600 cops, 4 military armored cars with machine guns, a chain link fence to separate protesters from Klan, and confine the residents of Memphis behind a line of paramilitary riot police was used to “protect” the Klan from the people.”

Thirty one year old Cedric Moore of Tipton County (twenty miles from Memphis) stated that “if the KKK had a real point to prove they wouldn’t need these police”. His sister, thirty-five year old Porteia More who is also a resident of Tipton County expressed her reasoning for coming out to the counter demonstration: “They came here years ago and I wasn’t able to come… I made it a point to be here on today but I did not know we would not have a chance to see them. I wanted to understand why they were here and marching… I understand they don’t want the symbol to be changed but it’s time for everyone just to get along.”

When asked what her opinion was of the police response to protestors she responded: “I think it’s just too much going on. We see many police out in uniform versus the KKK… I think it’s too much.” Twenty-year-old Lando from Horn Lake, Mississippi echoed similar sentiments: “It looks they are treating us like the enemy… They have police from all counties out here. All this money invested in some KKK.”

JoNina Ervin, standing chair of the Black Autonomy Federation and organizer of the counter protest, took issue with the permit process and what she views as an overall violation of people’s right to free speech. The Black Autonomy Federation had to apply three times to hold their protest and were finally approved only two days before the march. In the past, authority to approve permits lay in the hands of the city council, but it was changed to the police director the 19th of March two days before they applied for their first permit. “We thought the procedures to get the permit were unconstitutional,” stated JoNina.

“Once we find an attorney we want to go to court to challenge the city ordinance. We were told we could not bring any leaflets, flyers or posters into the protest area… I noticed at the Klan rally through videos they had posters. Our free speech has been restrained. How can you voice your first amendment rights when you’re being intimidated? Pretty soon we won’t have any free speech rights unless we challenge these policies.”

No one was hurt that day, and only one arrest was made.

If you would like to get in contact with the Black Autonomy Federation or offer support, please contact them at

Train derails in Minnesota, spills up to 30,000 gallons of oil

By Agence France-Presse

Crews were working Thursday to clean up as much as 30,000 gallons of oil that spilled onto a Minnesota field after a mile-long train derailed.

It was not yet clear whether the Canadian Pacific train was transporting regular crude or oil from the Alberta tar sands, but the spill will certainly add fuel to the fight against the controversial Keystone XL pipeline.

Luckily, frigid temperatures helped contain the environmental damage after 14 train cars fell off the tracks and three began leaking oil on Wednesday morning.

“Minnesota is having a late spring and the site is still frozen and covered with quite a lot of snow, which helped prevent any oil from moving down the ditch or soaking into the soil,” said Dan Olson, a spokesman for the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency.”

“The accident currently poses no threat to either surface or ground waters.”

The bulk of the oil spilled from a single tank, which lost a “substantial amount” of its 26,000 gallon capacity, Olson told AFP. Two other tanks were leaking more slowly and the spill was estimated at 20,000 to 30,000 gallons.

No injuries were reported as a result of the derailment in a rural area about a mile north of Parkers Prairie in west central Minnesota, the Otter Tail county sheriff’s office said.

Environmental activists are preparing to flood an April 18 public hearing in Nebraska to discuss the controversial $5.3 billion Canada-to-Texas Keystone XL pipeline.

The US State Department released a draft environmental impact statement on March 1 suggesting the rerouted pipeline, which would transport some 830,000 barrels a day, would have no major impact on the environment.

Critics contend that the heavy tar sand oil would be nearly impossible to clean up if it were to spill in one of the more than 1,000 waterways that will be traversed by the pipeline, because it sinks instead of floats.

The exploitation of the tar sands also results in significantly more greenhouse gas emissions than traditional oil extraction because it must be dug out of the ground and then basically melted with the heat of natural gas.

From The Raw Story:

Black Autonomy Federation Spotlights Police Terrorism in Memphis

Black Autonomy Federation Spotlights Police Terrorism in Memphis

By J. G. / Deep Green Resistance Great Plains

On March 15th the International Day Against Police Brutality was observed for the first time in Memphis, Tennessee by the Black Autonomy Federation. People came to the event from as far away as Iowa, Ohio, and Denver. People gathered first outside city hall and spoke. Cardboard coffins were lined up facing out from city hall representing 13 of the 14 people killed by the Memphis Police Department in the last thirteen months.

Women have also been sexually assaulted by the Memphis police officers. JoNina Ervin, acting chair of the Black Autonomy Federation stated that they have been told by a number of women that there are police in Memphis that arrest women and force them to have sex with them, “That’s the kind of police we have here. This is a corrupt police department and a police department out of control.”

Lorenzo Ervin of the BAF stated that “We have out right atrocities that no one of these people can defend but the authorities here, the city authorities as well as the state prosecutors are engaged in a conspiracy to cover up and not to prosecute these crimes by the police, the authorities and others working in concert with them. This is why it is important for us to bring attention to the city of Memphis, Tennessee.”

People later chanted and marched to the Memphis police department and the Shelby County Jail. Activists and family members of those murdered spoke out. In attendance was the family of Delois Epps and Makayla Ross who were killed on August 26th leaving from a family get-together by a police officer Alex Beard. Thirty- three year old family member Shaquitta Epps asks “Why wasn’t he charged?” When asked if she was surprised by the response of the city and police department towards her family members death she responded “No it happens all the time but I never thought it would happen to my family. You see it in the paper and on the TV but you never really know until it happens to your family.”

Martin Ezsutton brother of twenty-two year old Rekia Boyd who was killed in Chicago by police officer Dante Servin stated that “The police were highly disrespectful.” Servin is not being charged with the murder and is being paid working a desk job that pays 90,000 dollars. “He just got a promotion for murdering my sister!…Who is going to take responsibility? They failed to prosecute him for his actions.”

Unfortunately the deaths of black people by the police in Memphis and across the country are not a rare occurrence with a rate of one black person every 36 hours being killed by the police in the United States (“Report on the Extrajudicial Killings of 120 black people” Malcolm X Grassroots Movement, July 2012)

The next day a conference was held to discuss how to organize against police brutality and killings with activists from various communities. The BAF discussed the ongoing police killings and brutality in the context of the capitalist state. Lorenzo states that “ We understand we are not just fighting the police we are fighting fascism.” The BAF is calling for an international boycott against the town of Memphis until it “stops persecuting and killing poor working class black people and consorting with the KKK.”

On March 30th the Black Autonomy Federation are organizing a counter protest against the KKK. The Klan are prompted to come because of a name change of Nathan Bedford Forest Park to Health Science Park. Forest was the first grand wizard of the Klan. According to JoNina Ervin the city has been uncooperative with their efforts to organize an anti Klan rally. “There is a media campaign telling people to stay home, don’t come out, ignore the Klan, and the line they are using is that any person that comes out is crazy. They want to criminalize the people who are protesting the Klan when the Klan are the real criminals.”

According to members of the BAF the NAACP has been collaborating with the state in this. “The head of the NAACP in Memphis said on TV, people should stay home and wash their cars and shook hands with the Sons of the Confederacy. The constitution gives people first amendment rights they will have police to protect them but people opposed to the terrorism of the KKK are just supposed to shut up that day. They want us to be off in a corner some place. The city has been in collaboration with these neo confederates for so long.” For JoNina and others in the BAF, it is crucial for people in Memphis and from all over the country to come and take a stand against the Klan, “If you don’t let the Klan know that you’re here and opposed to their white supremacy, that gives them free range to keep on coming back here and that is why they keep coming back.”

If you would like to get in contact with the Black Autonomy Federation or offer support, please contact them at